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Hatton Centre for Education understands the priority for schools to secure improvements in the curriculum provision in every setting.

Research shows that this needs to be leader led to secure the required impact. Therefore our offer is to work with an existing leadership team or MAT to put into place a thorough and systematic approach to securing the highest quality curriculum leadership that is knowledgeable and is confident to secure curriculum improvement.

Our approach is a complete package. It is not an easy or quick fix. It takes time and involves leaders from HCfE working with senior and subject leaders in your setting. At its heart lies a series of curriculum visits with follow up reports to work on, an intense coaching programme for those who lead a subject and rigorous monitoring by senior leaders of follow up work against the agreed actions. Each cycle is designed to take no more than twelve weeks.

The diagram below shows a graphical representation of how the curriculum development model works.

Please contact us by email for further details: